Cross-posted at What the Hell is Wrong With You?Long ago, Arbitrista and I had a great idea for a blog:
Books 'n' Booz, where we would write drink reviews and book reviews. We set up the blog, and then did nothing with it for months. Because we are lazy, useless people.
But I've been inspired by
Propter Doc to try again, first by her
request for the saketini recipe, and second by
her new cocktail, the Propter. So I've decided to start a regular feature cross-posted here and at
my blog, in which I will post a cocktail recipe, photo and review every Monday. Why on Mondays, you ask? Well, it's one of the only days I can think of that doesn't already have a blog convention associated with it, and also, often you really need a drink on Mondays.
So, without further ado, the first Cocktail Monday: The Saketini.
Saketini1 1/2 oz gin
1/4 oz sake
Stir with cracked ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of fresh cucumber.
Refreshing, simple, and I love the cucumber. There's something about vegetables soaked in liquor...
Suggested appetizers: edamame, wasabi peas