Monday, February 19, 2007

Cocktail Mondays: The Black Russian

When I was growing up, my parents had "their" drinks. Now normally, that was Budweiser for my dad and, um, inexpensive red wine for my mom. But sometimes they would feel fancy, and that's when my dad would have his Jack 'n' Coke and my mom would have her Black Russian. As a child, I assumed the Black Russian was Kahlua and Coke.

Forward several years to the year I turned 21. I was meeting a friend in a fairly nice bar, and I got there first. I wanted to look like I knew what I was doing and order a drink. This was my first time in this situation (all my drinking until then had been at parties and in dorm rooms). I had no idea how to order wine, I thought beer wasn't classy enough, and I couldn't think of any cocktails better than rum and coke or daiquiris. So, thinking fast, I ordered a Black Russian. Imagine my surprise when I took that first sip.

The Black Russian

1 part Kahlua
2 parts vodka

Pour over ice.

A bit sweet for my taste. Much stronger than its sickly sweet cousin, the White Russian.

Cross-posted at What the Hell is Wrong With You?

1 comment:

comebacknikki said...

Mmmmm. I LOVE Black Russians!